Childhood “Triggers”

We all have them, to varying degrees. It can be a smell or a sight that conjures up one’s earliest memories. For me, the blooms of chicory and Queen Anne’s lace call up memories of stone bruises, calloused bare feet, scabby knees, popsicle-stained t-shirts, a cane pole, rusty fishhooks, and can of worms.

We had a lake behind our house when I was growing up. It was called a “lake” but to see it now, it’s more like a pond. I spent endless afternoons catching bluegill and the occasional bass out of that lake but had to make my way through a small meadow to get to it.

The stiff chicory always withstood my direct steps and there was nothing else in that whole open “bouquet” that matched that periwinkle blue color. I used to bring mom big handfuls of Queen Anne’s lace which she displayed proudly despite her terrible pollen allergy.

I see the flowers blooming now, in early August, on the sides of roads and in our meadow. Too many people call them “weeds.” Let me just grab my cane pole. I’ll meet you at the lake.

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Blog Post About our Currants Webisode

We had an abundance of currants this year–so many that I was able to make both Bar-Le-Duc (currant preserves) and currant jelly.

Bar-Le-Duc is a highly-prized accompaniment but I was surprised to learn that currant jelly is regarded as “lower cost and quality.”

To make a jelly, one must extract the juice and then the juice is combined with other ingredients. No small feat with currants, which are not the juiciest of fruits!

I find the Bar-Le-Duc and the currant jelly very satisfying. Maybe my palate needs an upgrade? I think not. I’ll continue to enjoy them both. Equally.

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Fertilizer Makes Corn Happy

This very brown pile is responsible for making our corn very happy.

You see, corn requires heavy amounts of nitrogen in order to yield well. The manure/straw bedding that is taken from the sheep stalls is loaded with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium — the main elements essential for healthy plant growth. (Raw manure, containing ammonium-N, which will dissipate when exposed to the heat and air of the outdoors, is applied to the soil early in the Spring.)

The pile in the picture came from one very large stall that wasn’t cleaned along with the others a few months ago—and had over-wintered. David estimated its weight at 4-5 tons! It’s a very difficult job breaking the mass apart in the stalls, separating it into wagon loads and taking it to the compost area away from the barn. And to say the ammonia odor is “strong” is an understatement!! However, the contents are rich in “plant food” and feeds the garden soil that is constantly at work to “feed” and nourish the plants.

The remants of the pile will compost itself and shrink down. We’ll use it in the Fall or even next Spring. Right now? The corn’s pretty happy—if a vegetable can be “happy”.

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I thought it would be nice to show a picture of the butternut squashblossoms which are practically at peak color and size right now.

When taking the photo I was met with the most pleasant surprise: bzzzzzzzz.

The entire section of butternut squash, which, at this point in the summer has just about taken over the entire garden, was “buzzing.” I leaned in to hold the giant green leaves aside in order to snap pictures of one of the orange/golden flowers. To my utter surprise and delight, each flower had at least 2 bumblebees inside—and there were so many flowers, I couldn’t count them all?!

As a vegetable gardener, you can be surprised on a daily basis; I can honestly say, I’d never seen (or heard) anything like this in the garden before. It would’ve been so easy to have never noticed this little “dance of nature” going on…but I’m so glad to have stumbled upon it.

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Rooster Summons Snack

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We have a stunning Barred Rock rooster that free-ranges with his “girlfriends” — about 5 or 6 hens. He has learned that, if the mudroom door is open and he sees human movement beyond the screen door, a loud crow of his will be summarily “answered” with a slice of bread. This morning was no different.

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Blog Post About our Hydroponics Webisodes

Ryan Ehst graciously hosted us one afternoon at his hydroponics farm and we left with so much footage and information, we had to break the episode into two parts!

Be sure to return for Part Two of our first two-part webisode!

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Blog Post About our Goats Webisode

Every time I reach for my Pumice with Goat’s Milk soap I bought at Donna Howard’s Spotted Hill Farm, I marvel at the fact that the “special ingredient” came directly from her Mini-Nubians right in her own backyard!

She’s right–the soap has a creamy quality that you just can’t get in store-brand bars!

Be sure to watch our Goats webisode — and if you’d like more information about goats milk and soapmaking, go to

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Meet Purslane

I didn’t always know Purslane, mind you. We met after I married.

David was away on a flight assignment with the National Guard (mid-July, as I recall) and I was left tending our veggie garden for a few days. This was my first summer doing this– I was on maternity leave from flying and halfway through my pregnancy.

I thought it’d be great to show David, upon his return, how I tidied up the garden…and proceeded to weed every row. The work was tedious (as weeding usually is) and my protruding belly and the hot summer weather made for an uncomfortable experience. I pushed through, though, and ended up with mounds and mounds of this succulent “weed” which, to my great surprise was very easy to pull, thanks to a recent rain. It was really productive work—it almost looked as though I’d taken a vacuum cleaner between the rows and cleaned the paths!

David was amazed at my handiwork and surprised me with an early birthday dinner at a restaurant in Madison, Wisconsin known for serving only local and seasonal fare (a rarity 11 years ago). Imagine my surprise when the salad course came and there, alone on the little china plate, was a heaping helping of….purslane. I remember looking up at him, quizzically, and saying “Are they kidding??” Nope. Not kidding.

Our Pennsylvania neighbors always ask for a bowl of purslane from the garden. They’ve been eating it for years. I’m always happy to oblige; the supply is endless. Me? I’m happy to stick with the mesclun mix we plant. But I recall that trip to the Wisconsin restaurant every year about this time—when it’s time to “tidy up” the rows.


Kimberton Whole Foods

My dear friend, Lisa, has lived in London for many, many years and returns to the area four times a year to visit her father. I don’t have to ask anymore, enroute from the Philadelphia International Airport, if she’d like to stop for groceries for her dad—it’s just routine now. Our pit stop? Kimberton Whole Foods.

I first heard about KWF a few years ago, after we’d moved to the area. An actress-colleague of mine came to work and told me she’d discovered this wondrous grocery. I stopped in and found the selection and quality unbelievable; exclusively organic produce (local, when possible), a variety of natural and organic groceries, and an amazing selection of body care. I’m not the only one moved by KWF; the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture acknowledges their vision as well. See

Lisa loves KWF and I love stopping to shop there! Established in 1986, KWF has grown to become the largest independent natural foods retailer in eastern Pennsylvania.

Please visit their website and be sure to subscribe to their newsletter!

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Red Norlands

Red potatoes were ready to dig today!  David gently forked the ground until it coughed up this variety of early/new potato, the Red Norland, which we planted about 100 days ago (days to maturity are always listed on your seed packet so that you may plan accordingly).

It’s hard to explain the feeling of loosening the dirt and letting it fall through the fork only to reveal these red beauties left rolling around on the tines…it makes me pause every time. It’s a family favorite–so delicate and tender–and the skin gives way easily as you take bites.

Usually, we can keep the bushels through the winter in the basement. Last year, we didn’t run the furnace at all (which is in the basement) because we used both wood stoves. Aside from keeping the family cool–remember the record snowfalls in the northeast?–it kept the potatoes and squash perfectly.

David is great about planting an abundance of Red Norlands and we’re always excited to see that first bushel basket he’s pulled from the earth.

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